Title: Threads Author: elsewherewolf Rating: pg Characters: original characters, Tashka and Taurant, and characters from Supernatural: Dean, Sam and Castiel Genre: crossover Prompt: Kiss Summary: Where they are is irrelevant... when would be the better question.
Title: Into Arram Author: elsewherewolf Rating: pg Characters: original characters, Bratas and Garva Genre: fantasy Prompt: Kiss Summary: The quest begins...
Title: Let The Stars Bear Witness Author: elsewherewolf Rating: pg Characters: original characters, Bratas and Lietr Genre: space Prompt: Kiss Summary: Far away from the world, where nothing and everything matters.
Title: Most Careful Author: elsewherewolf Rating: bordering on mature Characters: original characters, Bratas and Garva, also Helena Genre: thriller Prompt: Kiss Summary: Something overheard.
Title: The Spires Author: elsewherewolf Rating: gen Characters: original characters, Bratas and Other Genre: sci-fi Prompt: Kiss Summary: They say those who go there never return.
Title: It Feels Quite Strange Author: elsewherewolf Rating: mature Characters: original characters, Bratas and Garva Genre: erotica Prompt: Kiss Summary: A haircut, and a secret.
Title: Intent/Content Author: elsewherewolf Rating: pg13 Characters: original characters, Bratas & Garva Genre: Romance Prompt: Kiss Summary: It has been another long day for them both. [Precedes forthcoming erotica ficlet]
Title: There Is A Word For Men Like You Author: elsewherewolf Rating: pg, depictions of violence Characters: original characters, Tashka & Torn Genre: Zombies Prompt: Kiss Summary: And then there is Taurant...
Title: Terribly Joyous Author: elsewherewolf Rating: gen Characters: original characters, Bratas and Lucius. Genre: Humour Prompt: Kiss Summary: The first time they met...
Title: Known Author: elsewherewolf Rating: pg Characters: original characters, Bratas and Thomas. Genre: Fluff Prompt: Kiss Summary: The first time they met...